Nakama .NET Client SDK 3.13.0
Nakama .NET Client SDK
No Matches
Satori Namespace Reference


namespace  TinyJson


class  ApiAuthenticateLogoutRequest
class  ApiAuthenticateRefreshRequest
class  ApiAuthenticateRequest
class  ApiClient
 The low level client for the Satori API.
class  ApiEvent
class  ApiEventRequest
class  ApiExperiment
class  ApiExperimentList
class  ApiFlag
class  ApiFlagList
class  ApiGetMessageListResponse
class  ApiIdentifyRequest
class  ApiLiveEvent
class  ApiLiveEventList
class  ApiMessage
class  ApiProperties
class  ApiResponseException
 An exception generated for HttpResponse objects don't return a success status. More...
class  ApiSession
class  ApiUpdateMessageRequest
class  ApiUpdatePropertiesRequest
class  Client
class  Event
 An event to be published to the server. More...
class  GZipContent
class  GZipHttpClientHandler
class  HttpAdapterUtil
 Utility methods for the interface. NOTE: DO NOT USE EXTENSION METHODS as Unity cannot cross-compile them properly to WebGL.
class  HttpRequestAdapter
 HTTP Request adapter which uses the .NET HttpClient to send requests. More...
interface  IApiAuthenticateLogoutRequest
 Log out a session, invalidate a refresh token, or log out all sessions/refresh tokens for a user. More...
interface  IApiAuthenticateRefreshRequest
 Authenticate against the server with a refresh token. More...
interface  IApiAuthenticateRequest
 Authentication request. More...
interface  IApiEvent
 A single event. Usually, but not necessarily, part of a batch. More...
interface  IApiEventRequest
 Publish an event to the server. More...
interface  IApiExperiment
 An experiment that this user is partaking. More...
interface  IApiExperimentList
 All experiments that this identity is involved with. More...
interface  IApiFlag
 Feature flag available to the identity. More...
interface  IApiFlagList
 All flags available to the identity. More...
interface  IApiGetMessageListResponse
 A response containing all the messages for an identity. More...
interface  IApiIdentifyRequest
 Enrich/replace the current session with a new ID. More...
interface  IApiLiveEvent
 A single live event. More...
interface  IApiLiveEventList
 List of Live events. More...
interface  IApiMessage
 A scheduled message. More...
interface  IApiProperties
 Properties associated with an identity. More...
interface  IApiSession
 A session. More...
interface  IApiUpdateMessageRequest
 The request to update the status of a message. More...
interface  IApiUpdatePropertiesRequest
 Update Properties associated with this identity. More...
interface  IClient
 A client for the API in Satori server. More...
interface  IHttpAdapter
 An adapter which implements the HTTP protocol. More...
interface  ILogger
 A simple logger to write log messages to an output sink. More...
interface  IProtobufAny
interface  IRpcStatus
interface  ISession
 A session authenticated for a user with Satori server. More...
class  PreserveAttribute
 A custom attribute recognized by Unity3D. When added to a class member, it prevents the Unity linker from stripping the code it is associated with. This is used in addition to the link.xml file because the Unity Package Manager does not recognize link.xml files inside Unity packages.
class  ProtobufAny
class  RpcStatus
class  Session


delegate bool TransientExceptionDelegate (Exception e)
 A delegate used to determine whether or not a network exception is due to a temporary bad state on the server. For example, timeouts can be transient in cases where the server is experiencing temporarily high load.

Function Documentation

◆ TransientExceptionDelegate()

delegate bool Satori.TransientExceptionDelegate ( Exception e)

A delegate used to determine whether or not a network exception is due to a temporary bad state on the server. For example, timeouts can be transient in cases where the server is experiencing temporarily high load.