Nakama .NET Client SDK 3.16.0
Nakama .NET Client SDK
No Matches
ApiClient.gen.cs File Reference


class  Nakama.ApiResponseException
 An exception generated for HttpResponse objects don't return a success status. More...
interface  Nakama.IApiUpdateGroupRequest
 Update fields in a given group. More...
class  Nakama.ApiUpdateGroupRequest
interface  Nakama.IGroupUserListGroupUser
 A single user-role pair. More...
class  Nakama.GroupUserListGroupUser
interface  Nakama.IUserGroupListUserGroup
 A single group-role pair. More...
class  Nakama.UserGroupListUserGroup
interface  Nakama.IWriteLeaderboardRecordRequestLeaderboardRecordWrite
 Record values to write. More...
class  Nakama.WriteLeaderboardRecordRequestLeaderboardRecordWrite
interface  Nakama.IWriteTournamentRecordRequestTournamentRecordWrite
 Record values to write. More...
class  Nakama.WriteTournamentRecordRequestTournamentRecordWrite
interface  Nakama.IApiAccount
 A user with additional account details. Always the current user. More...
class  Nakama.ApiAccount
interface  Nakama.IApiAccountApple
 Send a Apple Sign In token to the server. Used with authenticate/link/unlink. More...
class  Nakama.ApiAccountApple
interface  Nakama.IApiAccountCustom
 Send a custom ID to the server. Used with authenticate/link/unlink. More...
class  Nakama.ApiAccountCustom
interface  Nakama.IApiAccountDevice
 Send a device to the server. Used with authenticate/link/unlink and user. More...
class  Nakama.ApiAccountDevice
interface  Nakama.IApiAccountEmail
 Send an email with password to the server. Used with authenticate/link/unlink. More...
class  Nakama.ApiAccountEmail
interface  Nakama.IApiAccountFacebook
 Send a Facebook token to the server. Used with authenticate/link/unlink. More...
class  Nakama.ApiAccountFacebook
interface  Nakama.IApiAccountFacebookInstantGame
 Send a Facebook Instant Game token to the server. Used with authenticate/link/unlink. More...
class  Nakama.ApiAccountFacebookInstantGame
interface  Nakama.IApiAccountGameCenter
 Send Apple's Game Center account credentials to the server. Used with authenticate/link/unlink. More...
class  Nakama.ApiAccountGameCenter
interface  Nakama.IApiAccountGoogle
 Send a Google token to the server. Used with authenticate/link/unlink. More...
class  Nakama.ApiAccountGoogle
interface  Nakama.IApiAccountSteam
 Send a Steam token to the server. Used with authenticate/link/unlink. More...
class  Nakama.ApiAccountSteam
interface  Nakama.IApiChannelMessage
 A message sent on a channel. More...
class  Nakama.ApiChannelMessage
interface  Nakama.IApiChannelMessageList
 A list of channel messages, usually a result of a list operation. More...
class  Nakama.ApiChannelMessageList
interface  Nakama.IApiCreateGroupRequest
 Create a group with the current user as owner. More...
class  Nakama.ApiCreateGroupRequest
interface  Nakama.IApiDeleteStorageObjectId
 Storage objects to delete. More...
class  Nakama.ApiDeleteStorageObjectId
interface  Nakama.IApiDeleteStorageObjectsRequest
 Batch delete storage objects. More...
class  Nakama.ApiDeleteStorageObjectsRequest
interface  Nakama.IApiEvent
 Represents an event to be passed through the server to registered event handlers. More...
class  Nakama.ApiEvent
interface  Nakama.IApiFriend
 A friend of a user. More...
class  Nakama.ApiFriend
interface  Nakama.IApiFriendList
 A collection of zero or more friends of the user. More...
class  Nakama.ApiFriendList
interface  Nakama.IApiGroup
 A group in the server. More...
class  Nakama.ApiGroup
interface  Nakama.IApiGroupList
 One or more groups returned from a listing operation. More...
class  Nakama.ApiGroupList
interface  Nakama.IApiGroupUserList
 A list of users belonging to a group, along with their role. More...
class  Nakama.ApiGroupUserList
interface  Nakama.IApiLeaderboardRecord
 Represents a complete leaderboard record with all scores and associated metadata. More...
class  Nakama.ApiLeaderboardRecord
interface  Nakama.IApiLeaderboardRecordList
 A set of leaderboard records, may be part of a leaderboard records page or a batch of individual records. More...
class  Nakama.ApiLeaderboardRecordList
interface  Nakama.IApiLinkSteamRequest
 Link Steam to the current user's account. More...
class  Nakama.ApiLinkSteamRequest
interface  Nakama.IApiListSubscriptionsRequest
 List user subscriptions. More...
class  Nakama.ApiListSubscriptionsRequest
interface  Nakama.IApiMatch
 Represents a realtime match. More...
class  Nakama.ApiMatch
interface  Nakama.IApiMatchList
 A list of realtime matches. More...
class  Nakama.ApiMatchList
interface  Nakama.IApiNotification
 A notification in the server. More...
class  Nakama.ApiNotification
interface  Nakama.IApiNotificationList
 A collection of zero or more notifications. More...
class  Nakama.ApiNotificationList
interface  Nakama.IApiReadStorageObjectId
 Storage objects to get. More...
class  Nakama.ApiReadStorageObjectId
interface  Nakama.IApiReadStorageObjectsRequest
 Batch get storage objects. More...
class  Nakama.ApiReadStorageObjectsRequest
interface  Nakama.IApiRpc
 Execute an Lua function on the server. More...
class  Nakama.ApiRpc
interface  Nakama.IApiSession
 A user's session used to authenticate messages. More...
class  Nakama.ApiSession
interface  Nakama.IApiSessionLogoutRequest
 Log out a session, invalidate a refresh token, or log out all sessions/refresh tokens for a user. More...
class  Nakama.ApiSessionLogoutRequest
interface  Nakama.IApiSessionRefreshRequest
 Authenticate against the server with a refresh token. More...
class  Nakama.ApiSessionRefreshRequest
interface  Nakama.IApiStorageObject
 An object within the storage engine. More...
class  Nakama.ApiStorageObject
interface  Nakama.IApiStorageObjectAck
 A storage acknowledgement. More...
class  Nakama.ApiStorageObjectAck
interface  Nakama.IApiStorageObjectAcks
 Batch of acknowledgements for the storage object write. More...
class  Nakama.ApiStorageObjectAcks
interface  Nakama.IApiStorageObjectList
 List of storage objects. More...
class  Nakama.ApiStorageObjectList
interface  Nakama.IApiStorageObjects
 Batch of storage objects. More...
class  Nakama.ApiStorageObjects
interface  Nakama.IApiSubscriptionList
 A list of validated subscriptions stored by Nakama. More...
class  Nakama.ApiSubscriptionList
interface  Nakama.IApiTournament
 A tournament on the server. More...
class  Nakama.ApiTournament
interface  Nakama.IApiTournamentList
 A list of tournaments. More...
class  Nakama.ApiTournamentList
interface  Nakama.IApiTournamentRecordList
 A set of tournament records which may be part of a tournament records page or a batch of individual records. More...
class  Nakama.ApiTournamentRecordList
interface  Nakama.IApiUpdateAccountRequest
 Update a user's account details. More...
class  Nakama.ApiUpdateAccountRequest
interface  Nakama.IApiUser
 A user in the server. More...
class  Nakama.ApiUser
interface  Nakama.IApiUserGroupList
 A list of groups belonging to a user, along with the user's role in each group. More...
class  Nakama.ApiUserGroupList
interface  Nakama.IApiUsers
 A collection of zero or more users. More...
class  Nakama.ApiUsers
interface  Nakama.IApiValidatePurchaseAppleRequest
 Apple IAP Purchases validation request. More...
class  Nakama.ApiValidatePurchaseAppleRequest
interface  Nakama.IApiValidatePurchaseFacebookInstantRequest
 Facebook Instant IAP Purchase validation request. More...
class  Nakama.ApiValidatePurchaseFacebookInstantRequest
interface  Nakama.IApiValidatePurchaseGoogleRequest
 Google IAP Purchase validation request. More...
class  Nakama.ApiValidatePurchaseGoogleRequest
interface  Nakama.IApiValidatePurchaseHuaweiRequest
 Huawei IAP Purchase validation request. More...
class  Nakama.ApiValidatePurchaseHuaweiRequest
interface  Nakama.IApiValidatePurchaseResponse
 Validate IAP response. More...
class  Nakama.ApiValidatePurchaseResponse
interface  Nakama.IApiValidateSubscriptionAppleRequest
 Apple Subscription validation request. More...
class  Nakama.ApiValidateSubscriptionAppleRequest
interface  Nakama.IApiValidateSubscriptionGoogleRequest
 Google Subscription validation request. More...
class  Nakama.ApiValidateSubscriptionGoogleRequest
interface  Nakama.IApiValidateSubscriptionResponse
 Validate Subscription response. More...
class  Nakama.ApiValidateSubscriptionResponse
interface  Nakama.IApiValidatedPurchase
 Validated Purchase stored by Nakama. More...
class  Nakama.ApiValidatedPurchase
interface  Nakama.IApiValidatedSubscription
class  Nakama.ApiValidatedSubscription
interface  Nakama.IApiWriteStorageObject
 The object to store. More...
class  Nakama.ApiWriteStorageObject
interface  Nakama.IApiWriteStorageObjectsRequest
 Write objects to the storage engine. More...
class  Nakama.ApiWriteStorageObjectsRequest
interface  Nakama.IProtobufAny
class  Nakama.ProtobufAny
interface  Nakama.IRpcStatus
class  Nakama.RpcStatus
class  Nakama.ApiClient
 The low level client for the Nakama API.


namespace  Nakama


enum  Nakama.ApiOperator {
  Nakama.NO_OVERRIDE = 0 , Nakama.BEST = 1 , Nakama.SET = 2 , Nakama.INCREMENT = 3 ,
  Nakama.DECREMENT = 4
enum  Nakama.ApiStoreEnvironment { Nakama.UNKNOWN = 0 , Nakama.SANDBOX = 1 , Nakama.PRODUCTION = 2 }
 Environment where a purchase/subscription took place,. More...
enum  Nakama.ApiStoreProvider { Nakama.APPLE_APP_STORE = 0 , Nakama.GOOGLE_PLAY_STORE = 1 , Nakama.HUAWEI_APP_GALLERY = 2 , Nakama.FACEBOOK_INSTANT_STORE = 3 }
 Validation Provider,. More...