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Nakama .NET Client SDK 3.16.0
Nakama .NET Client SDK
Namespaces | |
namespace | Console |
namespace | Ninja |
namespace | TinyJson |
Classes | |
class | ApiAccount |
class | ApiAccountApple |
class | ApiAccountCustom |
class | ApiAccountDevice |
class | ApiAccountEmail |
class | ApiAccountFacebook |
class | ApiAccountFacebookInstantGame |
class | ApiAccountGameCenter |
class | ApiAccountGoogle |
class | ApiAccountSteam |
class | ApiChannelMessage |
class | ApiChannelMessageList |
class | ApiClient |
The low level client for the Nakama API. | |
class | ApiCreateGroupRequest |
class | ApiDeleteStorageObjectId |
class | ApiDeleteStorageObjectsRequest |
class | ApiEvent |
class | ApiFriend |
class | ApiFriendList |
class | ApiGroup |
class | ApiGroupList |
class | ApiGroupUserList |
class | ApiLeaderboardRecord |
class | ApiLeaderboardRecordList |
class | ApiLinkSteamRequest |
class | ApiListSubscriptionsRequest |
class | ApiMatch |
class | ApiMatchList |
class | ApiNotification |
class | ApiNotificationList |
class | ApiReadStorageObjectId |
class | ApiReadStorageObjectsRequest |
class | ApiResponseException |
An exception generated for HttpResponse objects don't return a success status. More... | |
class | ApiRpc |
class | ApiSession |
class | ApiSessionLogoutRequest |
class | ApiSessionRefreshRequest |
class | ApiStorageObject |
class | ApiStorageObjectAck |
class | ApiStorageObjectAcks |
class | ApiStorageObjectList |
class | ApiStorageObjects |
class | ApiSubscriptionList |
class | ApiTournament |
class | ApiTournamentList |
class | ApiTournamentRecordList |
class | ApiUpdateAccountRequest |
class | ApiUpdateGroupRequest |
class | ApiUser |
class | ApiUserGroupList |
class | ApiUsers |
class | ApiValidatedPurchase |
class | ApiValidatedSubscription |
class | ApiValidatePurchaseAppleRequest |
class | ApiValidatePurchaseFacebookInstantRequest |
class | ApiValidatePurchaseGoogleRequest |
class | ApiValidatePurchaseHuaweiRequest |
class | ApiValidatePurchaseResponse |
class | ApiValidateSubscriptionAppleRequest |
class | ApiValidateSubscriptionGoogleRequest |
class | ApiValidateSubscriptionResponse |
class | ApiWriteStorageObject |
class | ApiWriteStorageObjectsRequest |
class | Channel |
class | ChannelJoinMessage |
Send a channel join message to the server. | |
class | ChannelLeaveMessage |
A leave message to a chat channel. | |
class | ChannelMessageAck |
class | ChannelPresenceEvent |
class | ChannelRemoveMessage |
Remove a message from a chat channel. | |
class | ChannelSendMessage |
Send a chat message to a channel on the server. | |
class | ChannelUpdateMessage |
Update a chat message which has been sent to a channel. | |
class | Client |
class | GroupUserListGroupUser |
class | GZipContent |
class | GZipHttpClientHandler |
class | HttpRequestAdapter |
HTTP Request adapter which uses the .NET HttpClient to send requests. More... | |
interface | IApiAccount |
A user with additional account details. Always the current user. More... | |
interface | IApiAccountApple |
Send a Apple Sign In token to the server. Used with authenticate/link/unlink. More... | |
interface | IApiAccountCustom |
Send a custom ID to the server. Used with authenticate/link/unlink. More... | |
interface | IApiAccountDevice |
Send a device to the server. Used with authenticate/link/unlink and user. More... | |
interface | IApiAccountEmail |
Send an email with password to the server. Used with authenticate/link/unlink. More... | |
interface | IApiAccountFacebook |
Send a Facebook token to the server. Used with authenticate/link/unlink. More... | |
interface | IApiAccountFacebookInstantGame |
Send a Facebook Instant Game token to the server. Used with authenticate/link/unlink. More... | |
interface | IApiAccountGameCenter |
Send Apple's Game Center account credentials to the server. Used with authenticate/link/unlink. https://developer.apple.com/documentation/gamekit/gklocalplayer/1515407-generateidentityverificationsign. More... | |
interface | IApiAccountGoogle |
Send a Google token to the server. Used with authenticate/link/unlink. More... | |
interface | IApiAccountSteam |
Send a Steam token to the server. Used with authenticate/link/unlink. More... | |
interface | IApiChannelMessage |
A message sent on a channel. More... | |
interface | IApiChannelMessageList |
A list of channel messages, usually a result of a list operation. More... | |
interface | IApiCreateGroupRequest |
Create a group with the current user as owner. More... | |
interface | IApiDeleteStorageObjectId |
Storage objects to delete. More... | |
interface | IApiDeleteStorageObjectsRequest |
Batch delete storage objects. More... | |
interface | IApiEvent |
Represents an event to be passed through the server to registered event handlers. More... | |
interface | IApiFriend |
A friend of a user. More... | |
interface | IApiFriendList |
A collection of zero or more friends of the user. More... | |
interface | IApiGroup |
A group in the server. More... | |
interface | IApiGroupList |
One or more groups returned from a listing operation. More... | |
interface | IApiGroupUserList |
A list of users belonging to a group, along with their role. More... | |
interface | IApiLeaderboardRecord |
Represents a complete leaderboard record with all scores and associated metadata. More... | |
interface | IApiLeaderboardRecordList |
A set of leaderboard records, may be part of a leaderboard records page or a batch of individual records. More... | |
interface | IApiLinkSteamRequest |
Link Steam to the current user's account. More... | |
interface | IApiListSubscriptionsRequest |
List user subscriptions. More... | |
interface | IApiMatch |
Represents a realtime match. More... | |
interface | IApiMatchList |
A list of realtime matches. More... | |
interface | IApiNotification |
A notification in the server. More... | |
interface | IApiNotificationList |
A collection of zero or more notifications. More... | |
interface | IApiReadStorageObjectId |
Storage objects to get. More... | |
interface | IApiReadStorageObjectsRequest |
Batch get storage objects. More... | |
interface | IApiRpc |
Execute an Lua function on the server. More... | |
interface | IApiSession |
A user's session used to authenticate messages. More... | |
interface | IApiSessionLogoutRequest |
Log out a session, invalidate a refresh token, or log out all sessions/refresh tokens for a user. More... | |
interface | IApiSessionRefreshRequest |
Authenticate against the server with a refresh token. More... | |
interface | IApiStorageObject |
An object within the storage engine. More... | |
interface | IApiStorageObjectAck |
A storage acknowledgement. More... | |
interface | IApiStorageObjectAcks |
Batch of acknowledgements for the storage object write. More... | |
interface | IApiStorageObjectList |
List of storage objects. More... | |
interface | IApiStorageObjects |
Batch of storage objects. More... | |
interface | IApiSubscriptionList |
A list of validated subscriptions stored by Nakama. More... | |
interface | IApiTournament |
A tournament on the server. More... | |
interface | IApiTournamentList |
A list of tournaments. More... | |
interface | IApiTournamentRecordList |
A set of tournament records which may be part of a tournament records page or a batch of individual records. More... | |
interface | IApiUpdateAccountRequest |
Update a user's account details. More... | |
interface | IApiUpdateGroupRequest |
Update fields in a given group. More... | |
interface | IApiUser |
A user in the server. More... | |
interface | IApiUserGroupList |
A list of groups belonging to a user, along with the user's role in each group. More... | |
interface | IApiUsers |
A collection of zero or more users. More... | |
interface | IApiValidatedPurchase |
Validated Purchase stored by Nakama. More... | |
interface | IApiValidatedSubscription |
interface | IApiValidatePurchaseAppleRequest |
Apple IAP Purchases validation request. More... | |
interface | IApiValidatePurchaseFacebookInstantRequest |
Facebook Instant IAP Purchase validation request. More... | |
interface | IApiValidatePurchaseGoogleRequest |
Google IAP Purchase validation request. More... | |
interface | IApiValidatePurchaseHuaweiRequest |
Huawei IAP Purchase validation request. More... | |
interface | IApiValidatePurchaseResponse |
Validate IAP response. More... | |
interface | IApiValidateSubscriptionAppleRequest |
Apple Subscription validation request. More... | |
interface | IApiValidateSubscriptionGoogleRequest |
Google Subscription validation request. More... | |
interface | IApiValidateSubscriptionResponse |
Validate Subscription response. More... | |
interface | IApiWriteStorageObject |
The object to store. More... | |
interface | IApiWriteStorageObjectsRequest |
Write objects to the storage engine. More... | |
interface | IChannel |
A chat channel on the server. More... | |
interface | IChannelMessageAck |
An acknowledgement from the server when a chat message is delivered to a channel. More... | |
interface | IChannelPresenceEvent |
A batch of join and leave presences on a chat channel. More... | |
interface | IClient |
A client for the API in Nakama server. More... | |
interface | IGroupUserListGroupUser |
A single user-role pair. More... | |
interface | IHttpAdapter |
An adapter which implements the HTTP protocol. More... | |
class | IHttpAdapterUtil |
Utility methods for the interface. NOTE: DO NOT USE EXTENSION METHODS as Unity cannot cross-compile them properly to WebGL. | |
interface | ILogger |
A simple logger to write log messages to an output sink. More... | |
interface | IMatch |
A multiplayer match. More... | |
interface | IMatchmakerMatched |
The result of a successful matchmaker operation sent to the server. More... | |
interface | IMatchmakerTicket |
The matchmaker ticket received from the server. More... | |
interface | IMatchmakerUser |
The user with the parameters they sent to the server when asking for opponents. More... | |
interface | IMatchPresenceEvent |
A batch of join and leave presences for a match. More... | |
interface | IMatchState |
Some game state update in a match. More... | |
interface | IParty |
Incoming information about a party. More... | |
interface | IPartyClose |
End a party, kicking all party members and closing it. More... | |
interface | IPartyData |
Incoming party data delivered from the server. More... | |
interface | IPartyJoinRequest |
Incoming notification for one or more new presences attempting to join the party. More... | |
interface | IPartyLeader |
Announcement of a new party leader. More... | |
interface | IPartyMatchmakerTicket |
A response from starting a new party matchmaking process. More... | |
interface | IPartyPresenceEvent |
Presence update for a particular party. More... | |
interface | IProtobufAny |
interface | IRpcStatus |
interface | ISession |
A session authenticated for a user with Nakama server. More... | |
interface | ISocket |
A socket to interact with Nakama server. More... | |
interface | ISocketAdapter |
An adapter which implements a socket with a protocol supported by Nakama. More... | |
interface | IStatus |
Receive status updates for users. More... | |
interface | IStatusPresenceEvent |
A status update event about other users who've come online or gone offline. More... | |
interface | IStream |
A realtime socket stream on the server. More... | |
interface | IStreamPresenceEvent |
A batch of joins and leaves on the low level stream. More... | |
interface | IStreamState |
A state change received from a stream. More... | |
interface | IUserGroupListUserGroup |
A single group-role pair. More... | |
interface | IUserPresence |
An object which represents a connected user in the server. More... | |
interface | IWriteLeaderboardRecordRequestLeaderboardRecordWrite |
Record values to write. More... | |
interface | IWriteTournamentRecordRequestTournamentRecordWrite |
Record values to write. More... | |
class | Match |
class | MatchCreateMessage |
A create message for a match on the server. | |
class | MatchJoinMessage |
A join message for a match on the server. | |
class | MatchLeaveMessage |
A leave message for a match on the server. | |
class | MatchmakerAddMessage |
Add the user to the matchmaker pool with properties. | |
class | MatchmakerMatched |
class | MatchmakerRemoveMessage |
Remove the user from the matchmaker pool by ticket. | |
class | MatchmakerTicket |
class | MatchmakerUser |
class | MatchPresenceEvent |
class | MatchSendMessage |
Send new state to a match on the server. | |
class | MatchState |
class | NullLogger |
A logger which writes to nowhere. | |
class | Party |
Incoming information about a party. | |
class | PartyAccept |
class | PartyClose |
End a party, kicking all party members, and closing it. | |
class | PartyCreate |
Create a new party. | |
class | PartyData |
Incoming party data delivered from the server. | |
class | PartyDataSend |
Send data to a party. | |
class | PartyJoin |
Join a party, or request to join if the party is not open. | |
class | PartyJoinRequest |
Incoming notification for one or more new presences attempting to join the party. | |
class | PartyJoinRequestList |
Request a list of pending join requests for a party. | |
class | PartyLeader |
Announcement of a new party leader. | |
class | PartyLeave |
Leave a party. | |
class | PartyMatchmakerAdd |
Begin matchmaking as a party. | |
class | PartyMatchmakerRemove |
Remove the party from the matchmaker. | |
class | PartyMatchmakerTicket |
class | PartyMemberRemove |
Kick a party member, or decline a request to join. | |
class | PartyPresenceEvent |
class | PartyPromote |
Promote a new party leader. | |
class | PresenceUtil |
class | PreserveAttribute |
A custom attribute recognized by Unity3D. When added to a class member, it prevents the Unity linker from stripping the code it is associated with. This is used in addition to the link.xml file because the Unity Package Manager does not recognize link.xml files inside Unity packages. https://docs.unity3d.com/2018.3/Documentation/Manual/ManagedCodeStripping.html. | |
class | ProtobufAny |
class | Retry |
Represents a single retry attempt. More... | |
class | RetryConfiguration |
A configuration for controlling retriable requests. More... | |
class | RetryHistory |
class | RetryInvoker |
Invokes requests with retry and exponential backoff. | |
class | RetryJitter |
A collection of Jitter algorithms. | |
class | RpcStatus |
class | Session |
class | Socket |
A socket which implements the Nakama realtime API. More... | |
class | Status |
class | StatusFollowMessage |
Follow one or more other users for status updates. | |
class | StatusPresenceEvent |
class | StatusUnfollowMessage |
Unfollow one or more users on the server. | |
class | StatusUpdateMessage |
Update the status of the current user. | |
class | StorageObjectId |
An identifier for a storage object. More... | |
class | Stream |
class | StreamPresenceEvent |
class | StreamState |
class | UserGroupListUserGroup |
class | UserPresence |
class | WebSocketAdapter |
An adapter which uses the WebSocket protocol with Nakama server. More... | |
class | WebSocketErrorMessage |
A logical error received on the WebSocket connection. | |
class | WebSocketMessageEnvelope |
An envelope for messages received or sent on a WebSocket . | |
class | WebSocketStdlibAdapter |
An adapter which uses the WebSocket protocol with Nakama server. More... | |
class | WriteLeaderboardRecordRequestLeaderboardRecordWrite |
class | WriteStorageObject |
class | WriteTournamentRecordRequestTournamentRecordWrite |
Enumerations | |
enum | ApiOperator { NO_OVERRIDE = 0 , BEST = 1 , SET = 2 , INCREMENT = 3 , DECREMENT = 4 } |
enum | ApiStoreEnvironment { UNKNOWN = 0 , SANDBOX = 1 , PRODUCTION = 2 } |
Environment where a purchase/subscription took place,. More... | |
Validation Provider,. More... | |
enum | ChannelType : uint { Room = 1 , DirectMessage = 2 , Group = 3 } |
The available channel types on the server. More... | |
Functions | |
delegate int | Jitter (IList< Retry > retryHistory, int retryDelay, Random random) |
The Jitter algorithm is responsible for introducing randomness to a delay before a retry. | |
delegate void | RetryListener (int numRetry, Retry retry) |
Listens to retry events for a particular request. | |
delegate bool | TransientExceptionDelegate (Exception e) |
A delegate used to determine whether or not a network exception is due to a temporary bad state on the server. For example, timeouts can be transient in cases where the server is experiencing temporarily high load. | |
Copyright 2018 The Nakama Authors
Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License.
enum Nakama.ApiOperator |
enum Nakama.ChannelType : uint |
delegate int Nakama.Jitter | ( | IList< Retry > | retryHistory, |
int | retryDelay, | ||
Random | random ) |
The Jitter algorithm is responsible for introducing randomness to a delay before a retry.
retryHistory | Information about previous retry attempts. |
retryDelay | A delay (milliseconds) between the last failed attempt in the retry history and the next upcoming attempt. |
random | A Random object that has been seeded by IClient.RetryJitterSeed.
delegate void Nakama.RetryListener | ( | int | numRetry, |
Retry | retry ) |
Listens to retry events for a particular request.
numRetry | The number of retries made so far, including this retry. |
retry | An holding inromation about the retry attempt. |
delegate bool Nakama.TransientExceptionDelegate | ( | Exception | e | ) |
A delegate used to determine whether or not a network exception is due to a temporary bad state on the server. For example, timeouts can be transient in cases where the server is experiencing temporarily high load.