| Socket () |
| A new socket with default options.
| Socket (ISocketAdapter adapter) |
| A new socket with an adapter.
| Socket (string scheme, string host, int port, ISocketAdapter adapter, int sendTimeoutSec=DefaultSendTimeout) |
| A new socket with server connection and adapter options.
Task | AcceptPartyMemberAsync (string partyId, IUserPresence presence) |
| Accept a party member's request to join the party.- Parameters
partyId | The party ID to accept the join request for. |
presence | The presence to accept as a party member. |
- Returns
- A task to represent the asynchronous operation.
async Task< IMatchmakerTicket > | AddMatchmakerAsync (string query="*", int minCount=2, int maxCount=8, Dictionary< string, string > stringProperties=null, Dictionary< string, double > numericProperties=null, int? countMultiple=null) |
| Join the matchmaker pool and search for opponents on the server.- Parameters
query | The matchmaker query to search for opponents. |
minCount | The minimum number of players to compete against in a match. |
maxCount | The maximum number of players to compete against in a match. |
stringProperties | A set of key/value properties to provide to searches. |
numericProperties | A set of key/value numeric properties to provide to searches. |
countMultiple | An optional integer to force the matchmaker to match in multiples of. |
- Returns
- A task which resolves to a matchmaker ticket object.
async Task< IPartyMatchmakerTicket > | AddMatchmakerPartyAsync (string partyId, string query, int minCount, int maxCount, Dictionary< string, string > stringProperties=null, Dictionary< string, double > numericProperties=null, int? countMultiple=null) |
| Begin matchmaking as a party.- Parameters
partyId | Party ID. |
query | Filter query used to identify suitable users. |
minCount | Minimum total user count to match together. |
maxCount | Maximum total user count to match together. |
stringProperties | String properties. |
numericProperties | Numeric properties. |
countMultiple | An optional integer to force the matchmaker to match in multiples of. |
- Returns
- A task which resolves to a party matchmaker ticket object.
Task | CloseAsync () |
| Close the socket connection to the server.- Returns
- A task to represent the asynchronous operation.
Task | ConnectAsync (ISession session, bool appearOnline=false, int connectTimeoutSec=DefaultConnectTimeout, string langTag="en") |
| Connect to the server.- Parameters
session | The session of the user. |
appearOnline | If the user who appear online to other users. |
connectTimeout | The time allowed for the socket connection to be established. |
langTag | The language tag of the user on the connected socket. |
- Returns
- A task to represent the asynchronous operation.
Task | ClosePartyAsync (string partyId) |
| End a party, kicking all party members and closing it.- Parameters
partyId | The ID of the party. |
- Returns
- A task to represent the asynchronous operation.
async Task< IMatch > | CreateMatchAsync (string name=null) |
| Create a multiplayer match on the server.- Returns
- A task to represent the asynchronous operation.
async Task< IParty > | CreatePartyAsync (bool open, int maxSize) |
| Create a party.- Parameters
open | Whether or not the party will require join requests to be approved by the party leader. |
maxSize | Maximum number of party members. |
- Returns
- A task to represent the asynchronous operation.
Task< IStatus > | FollowUsersAsync (IEnumerable< IApiUser > users) |
| Subscribe to one or more users for their status updates.- Parameters
- Returns
- A task which resolves to the current statuses for the users.
async Task< IStatus > | FollowUsersAsync (IEnumerable< string > userIDs, IEnumerable< string > usernames=null) |
| Subscribe to one or more users for their status updates.- Parameters
userIDs | The IDs of users. |
usernames | The usernames of the users. |
- Returns
- A task which resolves to the current statuses for the users.
async Task< IChannel > | JoinChatAsync (string target, ChannelType type, bool persistence=false, bool hidden=false) |
| Join a chat channel on the server.- Parameters
target | The target channel to join. |
type | The type of channel to join. |
persistence | If chat messages should be stored. |
hidden | If the current user should be hidden on the channel. |
- Returns
- A task which resolves to a chat channel object.
async Task< IMatch > | JoinMatchAsync (IMatchmakerMatched matched) |
| Join a multiplayer match with the matchmaker matched object.- Parameters
matched | A matchmaker matched object. |
- Returns
- A task which resolves to a multiplayer match.
async Task< IMatch > | JoinMatchAsync (string matchId, IDictionary< string, string > metadata=null) |
| Join a multiplayer match by ID.- Parameters
matchId | The ID of the match to attempt to join. |
metadata | An optional set of key-value metadata pairs to be passed to the match handler. |
- Returns
- A task which resolves to a multiplayer match.
Task | JoinPartyAsync (string partyId) |
| Join a party.- Parameters
- Returns
- A task to represent the asynchronous operation.
Task | LeaveChatAsync (IChannel channel) |
| Leave a chat channel on the server.- Parameters
channel | The chat channel to leave. |
- Returns
- A task which represents the asynchronous operation.
Task | LeaveChatAsync (string channelId) |
| Leave a chat channel on the server.- Parameters
channelId | The ID of the chat channel to leave. |
- Returns
- A task which represents the asynchronous operation.
Task | LeaveMatchAsync (IMatch match) |
| Leave a multiplayer match on the server.- Parameters
match | The multiplayer match to leave. |
- Returns
- A task which represents the asynchronous operation.
Task | LeaveMatchAsync (string matchId) |
| Leave a multiplayer match on the server.- Parameters
matchId | The multiplayer match to leave. |
- Returns
- A task which represents the asynchronous operation.
Task | LeavePartyAsync (string partyId) |
| Leave the party.- Parameters
- Returns
- A task to represent the asynchronous operation.
async Task< IPartyJoinRequest > | ListPartyJoinRequestsAsync (string partyId) |
| Request a list of pending join requests for a party.- Parameters
- Returns
- A task which resolves to a list of all party join requests.
Task | PromotePartyMemberAsync (string partyId, IUserPresence partyMember) |
| Promote a new party leader.- Parameters
partyId | Party ID. |
partyMember | The presence of an existing party member to promote as the new leader. |
- Returns
- A task which resolves to an announcement of a new party leader.
Task< IChannelMessageAck > | RemoveChatMessageAsync (IChannel channel, string messageId) |
| Remove a chat message from a chat channel on the server.- Parameters
channel | The chat channel with the message to remove. |
messageId | The ID of the chat message to remove. |
- Returns
- A task which resolves to an acknowledgement of the removed message.
async Task< IChannelMessageAck > | RemoveChatMessageAsync (string channelId, string messageId) |
| Remove a chat message from a chat channel on the server.- Parameters
channelId | The ID of the chat channel with the message to remove. |
messageId | The ID of the chat message to remove. |
- Returns
- A task which resolves to an acknowledgement of the removed message.
Task | RemoveMatchmakerAsync (IMatchmakerTicket ticket) |
| Leave the matchmaker pool with the ticket.- Parameters
ticket | The ticket returned by the matchmaker on join. |
- Returns
- A task which represents the asynchronous operation.
Task | RemoveMatchmakerAsync (string ticket) |
| Leave the matchmaker pool with the ticket contents.- Parameters
ticket | The contents of the ticket returned by the matchmaker on join. |
- Returns
- A task which represents the asynchronous operation.
Task | RemoveMatchmakerPartyAsync (string partyId, string ticket) |
| Cancel a party matchmaking process using a ticket.- Parameters
partyId | Party ID. |
ticket | The ticket to cancel. |
- Returns
- A task which represents the asynchronous operation.
Task | RemovePartyMemberAsync (string partyId, IUserPresence presence) |
| Kick a party member, or decline a request to join.- Parameters
partyId | Party ID to remove/reject from. |
presence | The presence to remove or reject. |
- Returns
- A task which represents the asynchronous operation.
async Task< IApiRpc > | RpcAsync (string funcId, string payload=null) |
| Execute an RPC function to the server.- Parameters
funcId | The ID of the function to execute. |
payload | An (optional) payload to send to the server. |
- Returns
- A task which resolves to the RPC function response object.
async Task< IApiRpc > | RpcAsync (string funcId, ArraySegment< byte > payload) |
| Execute an RPC function to the server.- Parameters
funcId | The ID of the function to execute. |
payload | An (optional) payload sent to the server from the byte buffer. |
- Returns
- A task which resolves to the RPC function response object.
Task | SendMatchStateAsync (string matchId, long opCode, ArraySegment< byte > state, IEnumerable< IUserPresence > presences=null) |
| Send input to a multiplayer match on the server.- Parameters
matchId | The ID of the match. |
opCode | An operation code for the input. |
state | The input data to send from the byte buffer. |
presences | The presences in the match who should receive the input. |
- Returns
- A task which represents the asynchronous operation.
Task | SendMatchStateAsync (string matchId, long opCode, string state, IEnumerable< IUserPresence > presences=null) |
| Send input to a multiplayer match on the server./// When no presences are supplied the new match state will be sent to all presences.
Task | SendMatchStateAsync (string matchId, long opCode, byte[] state, IEnumerable< IUserPresence > presences=null) |
| Send input to a multiplayer match on the server./// When no presences are supplied the new match state will be sent to all presences.
Task | SendPartyDataAsync (string partyId, long opCode, ArraySegment< byte > data) |
| Send data to a party.- Parameters
partyId | Party ID to send to. |
opCode | Op code value. |
data | The input data to send from the byte buffer, if any. |
- Returns
- A task which represents the asynchronous operation.
Task | SendPartyDataAsync (string partyId, long opCode, string data) |
| Send data to a party.- Parameters
partyId | Party ID to send to. |
opCode | Op code value. |
data | Data payload, if any. |
- Returns
- A task which represents the asynchronous operation.
Task | SendPartyDataAsync (string partyId, long opCode, byte[] data) |
| Send data to a party.- Parameters
partyId | Party ID to send to. |
opCode | Op code value. |
data | Data payload, if any. |
- Returns
- A task which represents the asynchronous operation.
override string | ToString () |
Task | UnfollowUsersAsync (IEnumerable< IApiUser > users) |
| Unfollow one or more users from their status updates.- Parameters
users | The users to unfollow. |
- Returns
- A task which represents the asynchronous operation.
Task | UnfollowUsersAsync (IEnumerable< string > userIDs) |
| Unfollow one or more users from their status updates.- Parameters
userIDs | The IDs of the users to unfollow. |
- Returns
- A task which represents the asynchronous operation.
Task< IChannelMessageAck > | UpdateChatMessageAsync (IChannel channel, string messageId, string content) |
| Update a chat message on a chat channel in the server.- Parameters
channel | The chat channel with the message to update. |
messageId | The ID of the message to update. |
content | The new contents of the chat message. |
- Returns
- A task which resolves to an acknowledgement of the updated message.
async Task< IChannelMessageAck > | UpdateChatMessageAsync (string channelId, string messageId, string content) |
| Update a chat message on a chat channel in the server.- Parameters
channelId | The ID of the chat channel with the message to update. |
messageId | The ID of the message to update. |
content | The new contents of the chat message. |
- Returns
- A task which resolves to an acknowledgement of the updated message.
Task | UpdateStatusAsync (string status) |
| Update the status for the current user online.- Parameters
status | The new status for the user. |
- Returns
- A task which represents the asynchronous operation.
Task< IChannelMessageAck > | WriteChatMessageAsync (IChannel channel, string content) |
| Send a chat message to a chat channel on the server.- Parameters
channel | The chat channel to send onto. |
content | The contents of the message to send. |
- Returns
- A task which resolves to the acknowledgement of the chat message write.
async Task< IChannelMessageAck > | WriteChatMessageAsync (string channelId, string content) |
| Send a chat message to a chat channel on the server.- Parameters
channelId | The ID of the chat channel to send onto. |
content | The contents of the message to send. |
- Returns
- A task which resolves to the acknowledgement of the chat message write.