Nakama .NET Client SDK 3.16.0
Nakama .NET Client SDK
No Matches
Nakama.ISocket Interface Reference

A socket to interact with Nakama server. More...

Inheritance diagram for Nakama.ISocket:

Public Member Functions

Task AcceptPartyMemberAsync (string partyId, IUserPresence presence)
 Accept a party member's request to join the party.
Task< IMatchmakerTicketAddMatchmakerAsync (string query="*", int minCount=2, int maxCount=8, Dictionary< string, string > stringProperties=null, Dictionary< string, double > numericProperties=null, int? countMultiple=null)
 Join the matchmaker pool and search for opponents on the server.
Task< IPartyMatchmakerTicketAddMatchmakerPartyAsync (string partyId, string query, int minCount, int maxCount, Dictionary< string, string > stringProperties=null, Dictionary< string, double > numericProperties=null, int? countMultiple=null)
 Begin matchmaking as a party.
Task ClosePartyAsync (string partyId)
 End a party, kicking all party members and closing it.
Task CloseAsync ()
 Close the socket connection to the server.
Task ConnectAsync (ISession session, bool appearOnline=false, int connectTimeout=Socket.DefaultConnectTimeout, string langTag="en")
 Connect to the server.
Task< IMatchCreateMatchAsync (string matchName=null)
 Create a multiplayer match on the server.
Task< IPartyCreatePartyAsync (bool open, int maxSize)
 Create a party.
Task< IStatusFollowUsersAsync (IEnumerable< IApiUser > users)
 Subscribe to one or more users for their status updates.
Task< IStatusFollowUsersAsync (IEnumerable< string > userIDs, IEnumerable< string > usernames=null)
 Subscribe to one or more users for their status updates.
Task< IChannelJoinChatAsync (string target, ChannelType type, bool persistence=false, bool hidden=false)
 Join a chat channel on the server.
Task JoinPartyAsync (string partyId)
 Join a party.
Task< IMatchJoinMatchAsync (IMatchmakerMatched matched)
 Join a multiplayer match with the matchmaker matched object.
Task< IMatchJoinMatchAsync (string matchId, IDictionary< string, string > metadata=null)
 Join a multiplayer match by ID.
Task LeaveChatAsync (IChannel channel)
 Leave a chat channel on the server.
Task LeaveChatAsync (string channelId)
 Leave a chat channel on the server.
Task LeaveMatchAsync (IMatch match)
 Leave a multiplayer match on the server.
Task LeaveMatchAsync (string matchId)
 Leave a multiplayer match on the server.
Task LeavePartyAsync (string partyId)
 Leave the party.
Task< IPartyJoinRequestListPartyJoinRequestsAsync (string partyId)
 Request a list of pending join requests for a party.
Task PromotePartyMemberAsync (string partyId, IUserPresence partyMember)
 Promote a new party leader.
Task< IChannelMessageAckRemoveChatMessageAsync (IChannel channel, string messageId)
 Remove a chat message from a chat channel on the server.
Task< IChannelMessageAckRemoveChatMessageAsync (string channelId, string messageId)
 Remove a chat message from a chat channel on the server.
Task RemoveMatchmakerAsync (IMatchmakerTicket ticket)
 Leave the matchmaker pool with the ticket.
Task RemoveMatchmakerAsync (string ticket)
 Leave the matchmaker pool with the ticket contents.
Task RemoveMatchmakerPartyAsync (string partyId, string ticket)
 Cancel a party matchmaking process using a ticket.
Task RemovePartyMemberAsync (string partyId, IUserPresence presence)
 Kick a party member, or decline a request to join.
Task< IApiRpcRpcAsync (string funcId, string payload=null)
 Execute an RPC function to the server.
Task< IApiRpcRpcAsync (string funcId, ArraySegment< byte > payload)
 Execute an RPC function to the server.
Task SendMatchStateAsync (string matchId, long opCode, string state, IEnumerable< IUserPresence > presences=null)
 Send input to a multiplayer match on the server.
Task SendMatchStateAsync (string matchId, long opCode, ArraySegment< byte > state, IEnumerable< IUserPresence > presences=null)
 Send input to a multiplayer match on the server.
Task SendMatchStateAsync (string matchId, long opCode, byte[] state, IEnumerable< IUserPresence > presences=null)
 Send input to a multiplayer match on the server.
Task SendPartyDataAsync (string partyId, long opCode, ArraySegment< byte > data)
 Send data to a party.
Task SendPartyDataAsync (string partyId, long opCode, string data)
 Send data to a party.
Task SendPartyDataAsync (string partyId, long opCode, byte[] data)
 Send data to a party.
Task UnfollowUsersAsync (IEnumerable< IApiUser > users)
 Unfollow one or more users from their status updates.
Task UnfollowUsersAsync (IEnumerable< string > userIDs)
 Unfollow one or more users from their status updates.
Task< IChannelMessageAckUpdateChatMessageAsync (IChannel channel, string messageId, string content)
 Update a chat message on a chat channel in the server.
Task< IChannelMessageAckUpdateChatMessageAsync (string channelId, string messageId, string content)
 Update a chat message on a chat channel in the server.
Task UpdateStatusAsync (string status)
 Update the status for the current user online.
Task< IChannelMessageAckWriteChatMessageAsync (IChannel channel, string content)
 Send a chat message to a chat channel on the server.
Task< IChannelMessageAckWriteChatMessageAsync (string channelId, string content)
 Send a chat message to a chat channel on the server.


bool IsConnected [get]
 If the socket is connected.
bool IsConnecting [get]
 If the socket is connecting.


Action Closed
 Received when a socket is closed.
Action Connected
 Received when a socket is connected.
Action< IApiChannelMessageReceivedChannelMessage
 Received a chat channel message.
Action< IChannelPresenceEventReceivedChannelPresence
 Received a presence change for joins and leaves with users in a chat channel.
Action< Exception > ReceivedError
 Received when an error occurs on the socket.
Action< IMatchmakerMatchedReceivedMatchmakerMatched
 Received a matchmaker matched message.
Action< IMatchStateReceivedMatchState
 Received a message from a multiplayer match.
Action< IMatchPresenceEventReceivedMatchPresence
 Received a presence change for joins and leaves of users in a multiplayer match.
Action< IApiNotificationReceivedNotification
 Received a notification for the current user.
Action< IPartyReceivedParty
 Received a party event. This will occur when the current user's invitation request is accepted by the party leader of a closed party.
Action< IPartyCloseReceivedPartyClose
 Received a party close event.
Action< IPartyDataReceivedPartyData
 Received custom party data.
Action< IPartyJoinRequestReceivedPartyJoinRequest
 Received a request to join the party.
Action< IPartyLeaderReceivedPartyLeader
 Received a change in the party leader.
Action< IPartyMatchmakerTicketReceivedPartyMatchmakerTicket
 Received a new matchmaker ticket for the party.
Action< IPartyPresenceEventReceivedPartyPresence
 Received a new presence event in the party.
Action< IStatusPresenceEventReceivedStatusPresence
 Received a presence change for when a user updated their online status.
Action< IStreamPresenceEventReceivedStreamPresence
 Received a presence change for joins and leaves on a realtime stream.
Action< IStreamStateReceivedStreamState
 Received a message from a realtime stream.

Detailed Description

A socket to interact with Nakama server.

Member Function Documentation

◆ AcceptPartyMemberAsync()

Task Nakama.ISocket.AcceptPartyMemberAsync ( string partyId,
IUserPresence presence )

Accept a party member's request to join the party.

partyIdThe party ID to accept the join request for.
presenceThe presence to accept as a party member.
A task to represent the asynchronous operation.

Implemented in Nakama.Socket.

◆ AddMatchmakerAsync()

Task< IMatchmakerTicket > Nakama.ISocket.AddMatchmakerAsync ( string query = "*",
int minCount = 2,
int maxCount = 8,
Dictionary< string, string > stringProperties = null,
Dictionary< string, double > numericProperties = null,
int? countMultiple = null )

Join the matchmaker pool and search for opponents on the server.

queryThe matchmaker query to search for opponents.
minCountThe minimum number of players to compete against in a match.
maxCountThe maximum number of players to compete against in a match.
stringPropertiesA set of key/value properties to provide to searches.
numericPropertiesA set of key/value numeric properties to provide to searches.
countMultipleAn optional integer to force the matchmaker to match in multiples of.
A task which resolves to a matchmaker ticket object.

Implemented in Nakama.Socket.

◆ AddMatchmakerPartyAsync()

Task< IPartyMatchmakerTicket > Nakama.ISocket.AddMatchmakerPartyAsync ( string partyId,
string query,
int minCount,
int maxCount,
Dictionary< string, string > stringProperties = null,
Dictionary< string, double > numericProperties = null,
int? countMultiple = null )

Begin matchmaking as a party.

partyIdParty ID.
queryFilter query used to identify suitable users.
minCountMinimum total user count to match together.
maxCountMaximum total user count to match together.
stringPropertiesString properties.
numericPropertiesNumeric properties.
countMultipleAn optional integer to force the matchmaker to match in multiples of.
A task which resolves to a party matchmaker ticket object.

Implemented in Nakama.Socket.

◆ CloseAsync()

Task Nakama.ISocket.CloseAsync ( )

Close the socket connection to the server.

A task to represent the asynchronous operation.

Implemented in Nakama.Socket.

◆ ClosePartyAsync()

Task Nakama.ISocket.ClosePartyAsync ( string partyId)

End a party, kicking all party members and closing it.

partyIdThe ID of the party.
A task to represent the asynchronous operation.

Implemented in Nakama.Socket.

◆ ConnectAsync()

Task Nakama.ISocket.ConnectAsync ( ISession session,
bool appearOnline = false,
int connectTimeout = Socket.DefaultConnectTimeout,
string langTag = "en" )

Connect to the server.

sessionThe session of the user.
appearOnlineIf the user who appear online to other users.
connectTimeoutThe time allowed for the socket connection to be established.
langTagThe language tag of the user on the connected socket.
A task to represent the asynchronous operation.

Implemented in Nakama.Socket.

◆ CreateMatchAsync()

Task< IMatch > Nakama.ISocket.CreateMatchAsync ( string matchName = null)

Create a multiplayer match on the server.

A task to represent the asynchronous operation.

Implemented in Nakama.Socket.

◆ CreatePartyAsync()

Task< IParty > Nakama.ISocket.CreatePartyAsync ( bool open,
int maxSize )

Create a party.

openWhether or not the party will require join requests to be approved by the party leader.
maxSizeMaximum number of party members.
A task to represent the asynchronous operation.

Implemented in Nakama.Socket.

◆ FollowUsersAsync() [1/2]

Task< IStatus > Nakama.ISocket.FollowUsersAsync ( IEnumerable< IApiUser > users)

Subscribe to one or more users for their status updates.

usersThe users.
A task which resolves to the current statuses for the users.

Implemented in Nakama.Socket.

◆ FollowUsersAsync() [2/2]

Task< IStatus > Nakama.ISocket.FollowUsersAsync ( IEnumerable< string > userIDs,
IEnumerable< string > usernames = null )

Subscribe to one or more users for their status updates.

userIDsThe IDs of users.
usernamesThe usernames of the users.
A task which resolves to the current statuses for the users.

Implemented in Nakama.Socket.

◆ JoinChatAsync()

Task< IChannel > Nakama.ISocket.JoinChatAsync ( string target,
ChannelType type,
bool persistence = false,
bool hidden = false )

Join a chat channel on the server.

targetThe target channel to join.
typeThe type of channel to join.
persistenceIf chat messages should be stored.
hiddenIf the current user should be hidden on the channel.
A task which resolves to a chat channel object.

Implemented in Nakama.Socket.

◆ JoinMatchAsync() [1/2]

Task< IMatch > Nakama.ISocket.JoinMatchAsync ( IMatchmakerMatched matched)

Join a multiplayer match with the matchmaker matched object.

matchedA matchmaker matched object.
A task which resolves to a multiplayer match.

Implemented in Nakama.Socket.

◆ JoinMatchAsync() [2/2]

Task< IMatch > Nakama.ISocket.JoinMatchAsync ( string matchId,
IDictionary< string, string > metadata = null )

Join a multiplayer match by ID.

matchIdThe ID of the match to attempt to join.
metadataAn optional set of key-value metadata pairs to be passed to the match handler.
A task which resolves to a multiplayer match.

Implemented in Nakama.Socket.

◆ JoinPartyAsync()

Task Nakama.ISocket.JoinPartyAsync ( string partyId)

Join a party.

partyIdParty ID
A task to represent the asynchronous operation.

Implemented in Nakama.Socket.

◆ LeaveChatAsync() [1/2]

Task Nakama.ISocket.LeaveChatAsync ( IChannel channel)

Leave a chat channel on the server.

channelThe chat channel to leave.
A task which represents the asynchronous operation.

Implemented in Nakama.Socket.

◆ LeaveChatAsync() [2/2]

Task Nakama.ISocket.LeaveChatAsync ( string channelId)

Leave a chat channel on the server.

channelIdThe ID of the chat channel to leave.
A task which represents the asynchronous operation.

Implemented in Nakama.Socket.

◆ LeaveMatchAsync() [1/2]

Task Nakama.ISocket.LeaveMatchAsync ( IMatch match)

Leave a multiplayer match on the server.

matchThe multiplayer match to leave.
A task which represents the asynchronous operation.

Implemented in Nakama.Socket.

◆ LeaveMatchAsync() [2/2]

Task Nakama.ISocket.LeaveMatchAsync ( string matchId)

Leave a multiplayer match on the server.

matchIdThe multiplayer match to leave.
A task which represents the asynchronous operation.

Implemented in Nakama.Socket.

◆ LeavePartyAsync()

Task Nakama.ISocket.LeavePartyAsync ( string partyId)

Leave the party.

partyIdParty ID.
A task to represent the asynchronous operation.

Implemented in Nakama.Socket.

◆ ListPartyJoinRequestsAsync()

Task< IPartyJoinRequest > Nakama.ISocket.ListPartyJoinRequestsAsync ( string partyId)

Request a list of pending join requests for a party.

partyIdParty ID.
A task which resolves to a list of all party join requests.

Implemented in Nakama.Socket.

◆ PromotePartyMemberAsync()

Task Nakama.ISocket.PromotePartyMemberAsync ( string partyId,
IUserPresence partyMember )

Promote a new party leader.

partyIdParty ID.
partyMemberThe presence of an existing party member to promote as the new leader.
A task which resolves to an announcement of a new party leader.

Implemented in Nakama.Socket.

◆ RemoveChatMessageAsync() [1/2]

Task< IChannelMessageAck > Nakama.ISocket.RemoveChatMessageAsync ( IChannel channel,
string messageId )

Remove a chat message from a chat channel on the server.

channelThe chat channel with the message to remove.
messageIdThe ID of the chat message to remove.
A task which resolves to an acknowledgement of the removed message.

Implemented in Nakama.Socket.

◆ RemoveChatMessageAsync() [2/2]

Task< IChannelMessageAck > Nakama.ISocket.RemoveChatMessageAsync ( string channelId,
string messageId )

Remove a chat message from a chat channel on the server.

channelIdThe ID of the chat channel with the message to remove.
messageIdThe ID of the chat message to remove.
A task which resolves to an acknowledgement of the removed message.

Implemented in Nakama.Socket.

◆ RemoveMatchmakerAsync() [1/2]

Task Nakama.ISocket.RemoveMatchmakerAsync ( IMatchmakerTicket ticket)

Leave the matchmaker pool with the ticket.

ticketThe ticket returned by the matchmaker on join.
A task which represents the asynchronous operation.

Implemented in Nakama.Socket.

◆ RemoveMatchmakerAsync() [2/2]

Task Nakama.ISocket.RemoveMatchmakerAsync ( string ticket)

Leave the matchmaker pool with the ticket contents.

ticketThe contents of the ticket returned by the matchmaker on join.
A task which represents the asynchronous operation.

Implemented in Nakama.Socket.

◆ RemoveMatchmakerPartyAsync()

Task Nakama.ISocket.RemoveMatchmakerPartyAsync ( string partyId,
string ticket )

Cancel a party matchmaking process using a ticket.

partyIdParty ID.
ticketThe ticket to cancel.
A task which represents the asynchronous operation.

Implemented in Nakama.Socket.

◆ RemovePartyMemberAsync()

Task Nakama.ISocket.RemovePartyMemberAsync ( string partyId,
IUserPresence presence )

Kick a party member, or decline a request to join.

partyIdParty ID to remove/reject from.
presenceThe presence to remove or reject.
A task which represents the asynchronous operation.

Implemented in Nakama.Socket.

◆ RpcAsync() [1/2]

Task< IApiRpc > Nakama.ISocket.RpcAsync ( string funcId,
ArraySegment< byte > payload )

Execute an RPC function to the server.

funcIdThe ID of the function to execute.
payloadAn (optional) payload sent to the server from the byte buffer.
A task which resolves to the RPC function response object.

Implemented in Nakama.Socket.

◆ RpcAsync() [2/2]

Task< IApiRpc > Nakama.ISocket.RpcAsync ( string funcId,
string payload = null )

Execute an RPC function to the server.

funcIdThe ID of the function to execute.
payloadAn (optional) payload to send to the server.
A task which resolves to the RPC function response object.

Implemented in Nakama.Socket.

◆ SendMatchStateAsync() [1/3]

Task Nakama.ISocket.SendMatchStateAsync ( string matchId,
long opCode,
ArraySegment< byte > state,
IEnumerable< IUserPresence > presences = null )

Send input to a multiplayer match on the server.

matchIdThe ID of the match.
opCodeAn operation code for the input.
stateThe input data to send from the byte buffer.
presencesThe presences in the match who should receive the input.
A task which represents the asynchronous operation.

Implemented in Nakama.Socket.

◆ SendMatchStateAsync() [2/3]

Task Nakama.ISocket.SendMatchStateAsync ( string matchId,
long opCode,
byte[] state,
IEnumerable< IUserPresence > presences = null )

Send input to a multiplayer match on the server.


When no presences are supplied the new match state will be sent to all presences.

matchIdThe ID of the match.
opCodeAn operation code for the input.
stateThe input data to send.
presencesThe presences in the match who should receive the input.
A task which represents the asynchronous operation.

Implemented in Nakama.Socket.

◆ SendMatchStateAsync() [3/3]

Task Nakama.ISocket.SendMatchStateAsync ( string matchId,
long opCode,
string state,
IEnumerable< IUserPresence > presences = null )

Send input to a multiplayer match on the server.


When no presences are supplied the new match state will be sent to all presences.

matchIdThe ID of the match.
opCodeAn operation code for the input.
stateThe input data to send.
presencesThe presences in the match who should receive the input.
A task which represents the asynchronous operation.

Implemented in Nakama.Socket.

◆ SendPartyDataAsync() [1/3]

Task Nakama.ISocket.SendPartyDataAsync ( string partyId,
long opCode,
ArraySegment< byte > data )

Send data to a party.

partyIdParty ID to send to.
opCodeOp code value.
dataThe input data to send from the byte buffer, if any.
A task which represents the asynchronous operation.

Implemented in Nakama.Socket.

◆ SendPartyDataAsync() [2/3]

Task Nakama.ISocket.SendPartyDataAsync ( string partyId,
long opCode,
byte[] data )

Send data to a party.

partyIdParty ID to send to.
opCodeOp code value.
dataData payload, if any.
A task which represents the asynchronous operation.

Implemented in Nakama.Socket.

◆ SendPartyDataAsync() [3/3]

Task Nakama.ISocket.SendPartyDataAsync ( string partyId,
long opCode,
string data )

Send data to a party.

partyIdParty ID to send to.
opCodeOp code value.
dataData payload, if any.
A task which represents the asynchronous operation.

Implemented in Nakama.Socket.

◆ UnfollowUsersAsync() [1/2]

Task Nakama.ISocket.UnfollowUsersAsync ( IEnumerable< IApiUser > users)

Unfollow one or more users from their status updates.

usersThe users to unfollow.
A task which represents the asynchronous operation.

Implemented in Nakama.Socket.

◆ UnfollowUsersAsync() [2/2]

Task Nakama.ISocket.UnfollowUsersAsync ( IEnumerable< string > userIDs)

Unfollow one or more users from their status updates.

userIDsThe IDs of the users to unfollow.
A task which represents the asynchronous operation.

Implemented in Nakama.Socket.

◆ UpdateChatMessageAsync() [1/2]

Task< IChannelMessageAck > Nakama.ISocket.UpdateChatMessageAsync ( IChannel channel,
string messageId,
string content )

Update a chat message on a chat channel in the server.

channelThe chat channel with the message to update.
messageIdThe ID of the message to update.
contentThe new contents of the chat message.
A task which resolves to an acknowledgement of the updated message.

Implemented in Nakama.Socket.

◆ UpdateChatMessageAsync() [2/2]

Task< IChannelMessageAck > Nakama.ISocket.UpdateChatMessageAsync ( string channelId,
string messageId,
string content )

Update a chat message on a chat channel in the server.

channelIdThe ID of the chat channel with the message to update.
messageIdThe ID of the message to update.
contentThe new contents of the chat message.
A task which resolves to an acknowledgement of the updated message.

Implemented in Nakama.Socket.

◆ UpdateStatusAsync()

Task Nakama.ISocket.UpdateStatusAsync ( string status)

Update the status for the current user online.

statusThe new status for the user.
A task which represents the asynchronous operation.

Implemented in Nakama.Socket.

◆ WriteChatMessageAsync() [1/2]

Task< IChannelMessageAck > Nakama.ISocket.WriteChatMessageAsync ( IChannel channel,
string content )

Send a chat message to a chat channel on the server.

channelThe chat channel to send onto.
contentThe contents of the message to send.
A task which resolves to the acknowledgement of the chat message write.

Implemented in Nakama.Socket.

◆ WriteChatMessageAsync() [2/2]

Task< IChannelMessageAck > Nakama.ISocket.WriteChatMessageAsync ( string channelId,
string content )

Send a chat message to a chat channel on the server.

channelIdThe ID of the chat channel to send onto.
contentThe contents of the message to send.
A task which resolves to the acknowledgement of the chat message write.

Implemented in Nakama.Socket.

Property Documentation

◆ IsConnected

bool Nakama.ISocket.IsConnected

If the socket is connected.

Implemented in Nakama.Socket.

◆ IsConnecting

bool Nakama.ISocket.IsConnecting

If the socket is connecting.

Implemented in Nakama.Socket.

Event Documentation

◆ Closed

Action Nakama.ISocket.Closed

Received when a socket is closed.

◆ Connected

Action Nakama.ISocket.Connected

Received when a socket is connected.

◆ ReceivedChannelMessage

Action<IApiChannelMessage> Nakama.ISocket.ReceivedChannelMessage

Received a chat channel message.

◆ ReceivedChannelPresence

Action<IChannelPresenceEvent> Nakama.ISocket.ReceivedChannelPresence

Received a presence change for joins and leaves with users in a chat channel.

◆ ReceivedError

Action<Exception> Nakama.ISocket.ReceivedError

Received when an error occurs on the socket.

◆ ReceivedMatchmakerMatched

Action<IMatchmakerMatched> Nakama.ISocket.ReceivedMatchmakerMatched

Received a matchmaker matched message.

◆ ReceivedMatchPresence

Action<IMatchPresenceEvent> Nakama.ISocket.ReceivedMatchPresence

Received a presence change for joins and leaves of users in a multiplayer match.

◆ ReceivedMatchState

Action<IMatchState> Nakama.ISocket.ReceivedMatchState

Received a message from a multiplayer match.

◆ ReceivedNotification

Action<IApiNotification> Nakama.ISocket.ReceivedNotification

Received a notification for the current user.

◆ ReceivedParty

Action<IParty> Nakama.ISocket.ReceivedParty

Received a party event. This will occur when the current user's invitation request is accepted by the party leader of a closed party.

◆ ReceivedPartyClose

Action<IPartyClose> Nakama.ISocket.ReceivedPartyClose

Received a party close event.

◆ ReceivedPartyData

Action<IPartyData> Nakama.ISocket.ReceivedPartyData

Received custom party data.

◆ ReceivedPartyJoinRequest

Action<IPartyJoinRequest> Nakama.ISocket.ReceivedPartyJoinRequest

Received a request to join the party.

◆ ReceivedPartyLeader

Action<IPartyLeader> Nakama.ISocket.ReceivedPartyLeader

Received a change in the party leader.

◆ ReceivedPartyMatchmakerTicket

Action<IPartyMatchmakerTicket> Nakama.ISocket.ReceivedPartyMatchmakerTicket

Received a new matchmaker ticket for the party.

◆ ReceivedPartyPresence

Action<IPartyPresenceEvent> Nakama.ISocket.ReceivedPartyPresence

Received a new presence event in the party.

◆ ReceivedStatusPresence

Action<IStatusPresenceEvent> Nakama.ISocket.ReceivedStatusPresence

Received a presence change for when a user updated their online status.

◆ ReceivedStreamPresence

Action<IStreamPresenceEvent> Nakama.ISocket.ReceivedStreamPresence

Received a presence change for joins and leaves on a realtime stream.

◆ ReceivedStreamState

Action<IStreamState> Nakama.ISocket.ReceivedStreamState

Received a message from a realtime stream.

The documentation for this interface was generated from the following file: