Nakama .NET Client SDK 3.16.0
Nakama .NET Client SDK
No Matches
Class Hierarchy
This inheritance list is sorted roughly, but not completely, alphabetically:
[detail level 12]
 CSatori.EventAn event to be published to the server
 CNakama.IApiAccountA user with additional account details. Always the current user
 CNakama.IApiAccountAppleSend a Apple Sign In token to the server. Used with authenticate/link/unlink
 CNakama.IApiAccountCustomSend a custom ID to the server. Used with authenticate/link/unlink
 CNakama.Console.IApiAccountDeviceSend a device to the server. Used with authenticate/link/unlink and user
 CNakama.IApiAccountDeviceSend a device to the server. Used with authenticate/link/unlink and user
 CNakama.IApiAccountEmailSend an email with password to the server. Used with authenticate/link/unlink
 CNakama.IApiAccountFacebookSend a Facebook token to the server. Used with authenticate/link/unlink
 CNakama.IApiAccountFacebookInstantGameSend a Facebook Instant Game token to the server. Used with authenticate/link/unlink
 CNakama.IApiAccountGameCenterSend Apple's Game Center account credentials to the server. Used with authenticate/link/unlink.
 CNakama.IApiAccountGoogleSend a Google token to the server. Used with authenticate/link/unlink
 CNakama.IApiAccountSteamSend a Steam token to the server. Used with authenticate/link/unlink
 CSatori.IApiAuthenticateLogoutRequestLog out a session, invalidate a refresh token, or log out all sessions/refresh tokens for a user
 CSatori.IApiAuthenticateRefreshRequestAuthenticate against the server with a refresh token
 CSatori.IApiAuthenticateRequestAuthentication request
 CNakama.Console.IApiChannelMessageA message sent on a channel
 CNakama.IApiChannelMessageA message sent on a channel
 CNakama.IApiChannelMessageListA list of channel messages, usually a result of a list operation
 CNakama.IApiCreateGroupRequestCreate a group with the current user as owner
 CNakama.IApiDeleteStorageObjectIdStorage objects to delete
 CNakama.IApiDeleteStorageObjectsRequestBatch delete storage objects
 CNakama.IApiEventRepresents an event to be passed through the server to registered event handlers
 CSatori.IApiEventA single event. Usually, but not necessarily, part of a batch
 CSatori.IApiEventRequestPublish an event to the server
 CSatori.IApiExperimentAn experiment that this user is partaking
 CSatori.IApiExperimentListAll experiments that this identity is involved with
 CSatori.IApiFlagFeature flag available to the identity
 CSatori.IApiFlagListAll flags available to the identity
 CSatori.IApiFlagOverrideFeature flag available to the identity
 CSatori.IApiFlagOverrideListAll flags available to the identity and their value overrides
 CSatori.IApiFlagOverrideValueThe details of a flag value override
 CNakama.Console.IApiFriendA friend of a user
 CNakama.IApiFriendA friend of a user
 CNakama.Console.IApiFriendListA collection of zero or more friends of the user
 CNakama.IApiFriendListA collection of zero or more friends of the user
 CSatori.IApiGetMessageListResponseA response containing all the messages for an identity
 CNakama.Console.IApiGroupA group in the server
 CNakama.IApiGroupA group in the server
 CNakama.IApiGroupListOne or more groups returned from a listing operation
 CNakama.IApiGroupUserListA list of users belonging to a group, along with their role
 CSatori.IApiIdentifyRequestEnrich/replace the current session with a new ID
 CNakama.Console.IApiLeaderboardRecordRepresents a complete leaderboard record with all scores and associated metadata
 CNakama.IApiLeaderboardRecordRepresents a complete leaderboard record with all scores and associated metadata
 CNakama.IApiLeaderboardRecordListA set of leaderboard records, may be part of a leaderboard records page or a batch of individual records
 CNakama.IApiLinkSteamRequestLink Steam to the current user's account
 CNakama.IApiListSubscriptionsRequestList user subscriptions
 CSatori.IApiLiveEventA single live event
 CSatori.IApiLiveEventListList of Live events
 CNakama.IApiMatchRepresents a realtime match
 CNakama.IApiMatchListA list of realtime matches
 CSatori.IApiMessageA scheduled message
 CNakama.Console.IApiNotificationA notification in the server
 CNakama.IApiNotificationA notification in the server
 CNakama.IApiNotificationListA collection of zero or more notifications
 CSatori.IApiPropertiesProperties associated with an identity
 CNakama.IApiReadStorageObjectIdStorage objects to get
 CNakama.IApiReadStorageObjectsRequestBatch get storage objects
 CNakama.IApiRpcExecute an Lua function on the server
 CNakama.IApiSessionA user's session used to authenticate messages
 CSatori.IApiSessionA session
 CNakama.IApiSessionLogoutRequestLog out a session, invalidate a refresh token, or log out all sessions/refresh tokens for a user
 CNakama.IApiSessionRefreshRequestAuthenticate against the server with a refresh token
 CNakama.Console.IApiStorageObjectAn object within the storage engine
 CNakama.IApiStorageObjectAn object within the storage engine
 CNakama.Console.IApiStorageObjectAckA storage acknowledgement
 CNakama.IApiStorageObjectAckA storage acknowledgement
 CNakama.IApiStorageObjectAcksBatch of acknowledgements for the storage object write
 CNakama.IApiStorageObjectListList of storage objects
 CNakama.IApiStorageObjectsBatch of storage objects
 CNakama.IApiSubscriptionListA list of validated subscriptions stored by Nakama
 CNakama.IApiTournamentA tournament on the server
 CNakama.IApiTournamentListA list of tournaments
 CNakama.IApiTournamentRecordListA set of tournament records which may be part of a tournament records page or a batch of individual records
 CNakama.IApiUpdateAccountRequestUpdate a user's account details
 CNakama.IApiUpdateGroupRequestUpdate fields in a given group
 CSatori.IApiUpdateMessageRequestThe request to update the status of a message
 CSatori.IApiUpdatePropertiesRequestUpdate Properties associated with this identity
 CNakama.Console.IApiUserA user in the server
 CNakama.IApiUserA user in the server
 CNakama.Console.IApiUserGroupListA list of groups belonging to a user, along with the user's role in each group
 CNakama.IApiUserGroupListA list of groups belonging to a user, along with the user's role in each group
 CNakama.IApiUsersA collection of zero or more users
 CNakama.IApiValidatedPurchaseValidated Purchase stored by Nakama
 CNakama.IApiValidatePurchaseAppleRequestApple IAP Purchases validation request
 CNakama.IApiValidatePurchaseFacebookInstantRequestFacebook Instant IAP Purchase validation request
 CNakama.IApiValidatePurchaseGoogleRequestGoogle IAP Purchase validation request
 CNakama.IApiValidatePurchaseHuaweiRequestHuawei IAP Purchase validation request
 CNakama.IApiValidatePurchaseResponseValidate IAP response
 CNakama.IApiValidateSubscriptionAppleRequestApple Subscription validation request
 CNakama.IApiValidateSubscriptionGoogleRequestGoogle Subscription validation request
 CNakama.IApiValidateSubscriptionResponseValidate Subscription response
 CNakama.IApiWriteStorageObjectThe object to store
 CNakama.IApiWriteStorageObjectsRequestWrite objects to the storage engine
 CNakama.IChannelA chat channel on the server
 CNakama.IChannelMessageAckAn acknowledgement from the server when a chat message is delivered to a channel
 CNakama.IChannelPresenceEventA batch of join and leave presences on a chat channel
 CNakama.IClientA client for the API in Nakama server
 CSatori.IClientA client for the API in Satori server
 CNakama.Console.IConfigWarningA warning for a configuration field
 CNakama.Console.IConsoleAccountExportAn export of all information stored for a user account
 CNakama.Console.IConsoleAuthenticateRequestAuthenticate a console user with username and password
 CNakama.Console.IConsoleConfigThe current server configuration and any associated warnings
 CNakama.Console.IConsoleConsoleSessionA console user session
 CNakama.Console.IConsoleStatusListList of nodes and their stats
 CNakama.Console.IConsoleStorageListList of storage objects
 CNakama.Console.IConsoleUnlinkDeviceRequestUnlink a particular device ID from a user's account
 CNakama.Console.IConsoleUserListA list of users
 CNakama.Console.IConsoleWalletLedgerAn individual update to a user's wallet
 CNakama.Console.IConsoleWalletLedgerListList of wallet ledger items for a particular user
 CNakama.Console.IConsoleWriteStorageObjectRequestWrite a new storage object or update an existing one
 CNakama.IGroupUserListGroupUserA single user-role pair
 CNakama.IHttpAdapterAn adapter which implements the HTTP protocol
 CSatori.IHttpAdapterAn adapter which implements the HTTP protocol
 CNakama.ILoggerA simple logger to write log messages to an output sink
 CSatori.ILoggerA simple logger to write log messages to an output sink
 CNakama.IMatchA multiplayer match
 CNakama.IMatchmakerMatchedThe result of a successful matchmaker operation sent to the server
 CNakama.IMatchmakerTicketThe matchmaker ticket received from the server
 CNakama.IMatchmakerUserThe user with the parameters they sent to the server when asking for opponents
 CNakama.IMatchPresenceEventA batch of join and leave presences for a match
 CNakama.IMatchStateSome game state update in a match
 CNakama.Console.INakamaapiAccountA user with additional account details. Always the current user
 CNakama.Console.INakamaconsoleAccountAccount information
 CNakama.Console.INakamaconsoleUpdateAccountRequestUpdate user account information
 CNakama.IPartyIncoming information about a party
 CNakama.IPartyCloseEnd a party, kicking all party members and closing it
 CNakama.IPartyDataIncoming party data delivered from the server
 CNakama.IPartyJoinRequestIncoming notification for one or more new presences attempting to join the party
 CNakama.IPartyLeaderAnnouncement of a new party leader
 CNakama.IPartyMatchmakerTicketA response from starting a new party matchmaking process
 CNakama.IPartyPresenceEventPresence update for a particular party
 CNakama.Ninja.WebSockets.IPingPongManagerPing Pong Manager used to facilitate ping pong WebSocket messages
 CNakama.Console.IProtobufAnyAny contains an arbitrary serialized protocol buffer message along with a URL that describes the type of the serialized message. Protobuf library provides support to pack/unpack Any values in the form of utility functions or additional generated methods of the Any type. Example 1: Pack and unpack a message in C++. Foo foo = ...; Any any; any.PackFrom(foo); ... if (any.UnpackTo(&foo)) { ... } Example 2: Pack and unpack a message in Java. Foo foo = ...; Any any = Any.pack(foo); ... if ( { foo = any.unpack(Foo.class); } Example 3: Pack and unpack a message in Python. foo = Foo(...) any = Any() any.Pack(foo) ... if any.Is(Foo.DESCRIPTOR): any.Unpack(foo) ... Example 4: Pack and unpack a message in Go foo := &pb.Foo{...} any, err := ptypes.MarshalAny(foo) ... foo := &pb.Foo{} if err := ptypes.UnmarshalAny(any, foo); err != nil { ... } The pack methods provided by protobuf library will by default use '' as the type URL and the unpack methods only use the fully qualified type name after the last '/' in the type URL, for example "" will yield type name "y.z". JSON ==== The JSON representation of an Any value uses the regular representation of the deserialized, embedded message, with an additional field @type which contains the type URL. Example: package google.profile; message Person { string first_name = 1; string last_name = 2; } { "@type": "", "firstName": <string>, "lastName": <string> } If the embedded message type is well-known and has a custom JSON representation, that representation will be embedded adding a field value which holds the custom JSON in addition to the @type field. Example (for message [google.protobuf.Duration][]): { "@type": "", "value": "1.212s" }
 CNakama.ISessionA session authenticated for a user with Nakama server
 CSatori.ISessionA session authenticated for a user with Satori server
 CNakama.ISocketA socket to interact with Nakama server
 CNakama.ISocketAdapterAn adapter which implements a socket with a protocol supported by Nakama
 CNakama.IStatusReceive status updates for users
 CNakama.Console.IStatusListStatusThe status of a Nakama node
 CNakama.IStatusPresenceEventA status update event about other users who've come online or gone offline
 CNakama.IStreamA realtime socket stream on the server
 CNakama.IStreamPresenceEventA batch of joins and leaves on the low level stream
 CNakama.IStreamStateA state change received from a stream
 CNakama.Console.IUserGroupListUserGroupA single group-role pair
 CNakama.IUserGroupListUserGroupA single group-role pair
 CNakama.IUserPresenceAn object which represents a connected user in the server
 CNakama.Ninja.WebSockets.IWebSocketClientFactoryWeb socket client factory used to open web socket client connections
 CNakama.Ninja.WebSockets.IWebSocketServerFactoryWeb socket server factory used to open web socket server connections
 CNakama.IWriteLeaderboardRecordRequestLeaderboardRecordWriteRecord values to write
 CNakama.IWriteTournamentRecordRequestTournamentRecordWriteRecord values to write
 CNakama.RetryRepresents a single retry attempt
 CSatori.RetryRepresents a single retry attempt
 CNakama.RetryConfigurationA configuration for controlling retriable requests
 CSatori.RetryConfigurationA configuration for controlling retriable requests
 CNakama.Ninja.WebSockets.WebSocketClientOptionsClient WebSocket init options
 CNakama.Ninja.WebSockets.WebSocketHttpContextThe WebSocket HTTP Context used to initiate a WebSocket handshake
 CNakama.Ninja.WebSockets.WebSocketServerOptionsServer WebSocket init options